This book is about skill and imagination; the kind of skill which has characterized the international soccer scene over the previous two decades shown through the techniques of stars like Cruyff, Beckenbauer, Pele, and Keegan. Their techniques of control, dribbling and passing are placed under the microscope; each part analysed and described with supporting photographs so that you can learn each technique to perfection. There are juggling practices and control practices which you may never use in a game but which are essential in developing all round mastery of the ball, and there are games designed to reinforce your newly learned techniques. This book is not about the basic skills to be found in numerous text books in circulation. It is about the unusual, the superlative, about those skills which lift the game from the mundane, to the exciting unforgettable moments which never fade from the memories of those who saw them and those who performed them
World Soccer Skill
29 kr.
Beskrivelse af de forskellige stjernes tricks/specialiteter. Jesper Olsen og Allan Simonsen er repræsenteret
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